
Properties Of Nickel

Atomic number 28
CAS number 7440-02-0
Atomic mass 58.69
Melting point 1453℃
Boiling point 2732℃
Atomic volume 6.59g/cm³
Density  8.90g/cm³
Crystal structure face-centered cubic
Abundance in the Earth's crust  8.4×101mg⋅kg−1
Speed of sound 4970(m/S)
Thermal expansion 10.0×10^-6/℃
Thermal conductivity 71.4 w/m·K
Electrical resistivity 20mΩ·m
Mohs hardness 6.0
Vickers hardness 215 HV


Nickel is a hard, ductile, and ferromagnetic metal that is highly polished and corrosion-resistant. Nickel belongs to the group of iron loving elements. The Earth's core is mainly composed of iron and nickel elements. Iron magnesium rocks in the crust contain more nickel than silicon aluminum rocks, for example, peridotite contains 1000 times more nickel than granite, and gabbro contains 80 times more nickel than granite.

chemical property

Chemical properties are more active, but more stable than iron. Difficult to oxidize in air at room temperature and not easily react with concentrated nitric acid. Fine nickel wire is flammable and reacts with halogens when heated, slowly dissolving in dilute acid. Can absorb a considerable amount of hydrogen gas.

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